Sunday, June 19, 2011

Two weeks in...

During the last two weeks, I've been exploring this wonderful city. There is so much to do, and places are open past 8 pm…it’s overwhelming.

I introduced one of my housemates to the X-Men series last weekend. She asked me to explain the premise. It doesn’t sound as awesome when you have to explain every character and their power, especially when some of the powers are lame. Exhibit A: that girl with the wings, Angel. Yeah, you can call her Angel but she her wings still look like a gnat’s.

<----The lame-ness of this power rivals that of Cyclops. Which is pretty lame.

And having her spit fireballs was a poor decision. Superpowers only look cool when you can throw it from your hands (fire, ice, electricity, etc.) Vomiting up your superpower is not attractive.

And spitting out fire just makes me think of the cartoons when a character eats a hot chili and then spews fire from their mouth.

<---- (Heartburn is like a fire raging inside of you...)

My first weekend here, my housemate, Stephanie drove us to Pike’s Peak. I’ve already given up the notion that I was unaffected by the “normal” altitude of Colorado Springs, but once you get to the top of the mountain the air is so thin that lightheadedness and nausea are standard reactions when you reach the summit.

Us at the top!

This last weekend I went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo with the other interns. Some of them were very excited about one exhibit in particular: a moose. In Minnesota, moose are as common. Very common. For me, seeing the moose at the zoo was like seeing a Golden Retriever in the zoo.

<-----Wow. A moose.

As for the actual reason I came here, my internship…it is going pretty good. I’m amazed how quickly time goes by there, but working life is very tiring. There are a few perks of the job. I got to have a behind the scenes look at Adventures in Odyssey. I used to listen to the show when I was little and our tour guide, Diane, was very personable and knowledgeable about the goings-on at Focus on the Family.

And I’ve finally acclimated to the elevation here. I ran 5 miles today and feel pretty good. Whereas when I first arrived, I walked up a flight of stairs and had to stop to catch my breath. I think I’ll be able to run a marathon when I get back to the hot, humid Midwest.

Til next time,


Random thought: I just realized that Glee is like a mixture of Kidz Bop and every drama filled high school show ever made.

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